Alessandra Muntoni

Foto della Prof. Arch. Alessandra Muntoni

Alessandra Muntoni graduated in Architecture in 1967 with Bruno Zevi.

She has worked and collaborated with Studio Passarelli (1970-1972,1992) and was assistant of Prof. Bruno Zevi (1970-1979) and Prof.Enrico Guidoni (1982-1990).

She is Professor in History of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the Sapienza University of Rome, belonging to the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture. She has taught History of Architecture II at the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari (1990-1992). She has been teaching in the PhD program in Theories of Architecture and Planning of School Improvement. She is part of the Academic Board of the PhD in History of Architecture, following numerous architecture students master in Italian and international PhD.

She has participated in numerous conferences including international ones. She organized by Antonino Terranova one of “Zevi, for Architecture” (2002) and Corrado Bozzoni and Daniela Fondi for exhibition “Luigi Moretti Architect of the Twentieth Century” (2010).

One of the founders of the Metamorph Group (1965), she has worked professionally and research, participating in national and international design competitions, winning prizes and awards.
She has worked on several projects for superintendencies Archaeological of Rome. It was part of the Building Committee of the City of Rome (1984-85). She was Director of the Order of Architects of Rome and President of Centro Studi Ce.S.Arch. (1997-99).

Among the realizations:

She has served on the editorial staff of the magazine “School Building”, “History of the City,” “Rome modern and contemporary”, “AR”. She directed with G. De Giorgi and M. Pazzaglini the international magazine “Metamorfosi, Quaderni di Architettura” (1985-2009). It is part of the scientific committee of the magazine “Architecture and Urban Review”.
He collaborated with the A.C.S. of Rome for the exhibition and the Catalogue “E.42, Utopia and the Regime Scenarios” (1989). She She collaborates with the Bruno Zevi Foundation by participating in conferences and the preparation of a guide to modern architecture of the EUR (2008). Has partnered with the FAI for the conference at the MAXXI in Rome “Enters the scene the architect” (2012). Since October 2013 writes a column settiamanle “Contingencies and Probability” of PresS / Tletter Louis Prestinenza Puglisi. He has written numerous books and historical and critical essays on modern and contemporary art. Some of his drawings and paintings have been exhibited at Gallery Gangemi, Rome.

Its parallel activities are painting and drawing.

Recently she has published:

  • Lineamenti della Storia dell’Architettura contemporanea, Edizioni Laterza, Roma-Bari 1997-2005 (nuova edizione);
  • Architettura nell’era elettronica, Mancosu Editore, Roma 2005;
  • Roma tra le due guerre, 1999-1944, architettura, modelli urbani, linguaggi della modernità, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2010;
  • Luigi Moretti: architetto del Novecento, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2012.

To contact the Prof. Arch. Alessandra Muntoni, please use the following contact form:

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Prof. Arch. A. Muntoni holds its own directory, “Imprevisti e probabilità” on the website PresS/Tletter.

  • Ricostruzione della Valle del Belice

    Ricostruzione della Valle del Belice

  • Arredi trasparenti


  • Nuove tipologie edilizie

    Nuove tipologie edilizie

  • Villa del Sole


  • Case a Testaccio


Alessandra Muntonigianfranco

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